Tuesday, March 15, 2016

planes info

For any one out there who wants to learn about planes go to my planes blog called guide to planes.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

camping + s'mores recipe

My camping experience is so cool its wacky. I had the best day on my last camping trip. I went to a 2 day camping trip with my friends Jake, Zach and Reed. I can't explain how fun it was,
I built a catapult, made an adventurer's shelter, made spears, pitched the tent, and
called 911 (just joking) but I really had fun. Here's a fun and easy recipe for s'mores.

 my friends and I build a adventures shelter  ^

everybody goes snipe hunting

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Centrifugal Force

Centrifugal force: an outward force on a body rotating about an axis

chocolate covered strawberries

One of my favorite things to  do is cook. This is my cook book :) I've turned to the first page so you can cook some of my favorite recipes. Just keep an eye out for more.

the telephone

The telephone is a curious invention made by Alexander Graham Bell. It works by vibration which is a movement caused by sound.      

Today I made a telephone with tin cans and a string. you can do it too!

Simply take a tin can and have an adult poke a small hole in it. Then you carefully slip the string in and tie it make sure the knot is big enough. If it isn't tie one more time. Do the same with the other can. Have a friend stand as far as he can go and hold the telephone to his ear. Talk through the telephone while your friend is listening and remember to have fun!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

About Me and this Blog

Hi my name is Kyle. Right now I'm 9 years old and just began homeschooling. This blog is about what I'm learning over this experience and beyond. I love to cook, read, draw, play, explore, camp, write stories, and learn about world wars.

 I will be writing about everything I do. I'll share ideas and tutorials too.